Will Your Child Be a Bison or a Cow?

Colorado's unique topography, home to both bison and cows, offers a fascinating lesson about facing challenges head-on. The way these two creatures react to storms can teach us valuable insights about leadership, personal growth, and overcoming adversity. In this blog post, we will explore the lessons we can learn from bison and cows and how they apply to the experiences of learners at Acton Academy.

In Colorado, storms usually brew from the West and roll out toward the East. Cows, sensing the approaching storm, instinctively try to outrun it by heading East. However, cows aren't particularly fast, so they end up running with the storm, prolonging their exposure to harsh conditions. In contrast, bison wait for the storm to crest over the mountaintop and then charge directly into it. By running at the storm, bison minimize the amount of time, pain, and frustration they experience.

This simple story of bison and cows offers powerful lessons for Acton Academy learners in terms of facing challenges and embracing adversity.

Like bison, Acton Academy learners are encouraged to face challenges head-on rather than trying to avoid or outrun them. By directly confronting obstacles, students develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and a growth mindset that enables them to learn from their experiences and emerge stronger.

Just as the bison charge into the storm, Acton Academy learners are encouraged to dive into the learning process, even when it seems daunting or unfamiliar. By embracing the challenges that come with learning, students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and a greater appreciation for their own abilities.

In the face of adversity, it's essential to cultivate perseverance and determination, much like the bison. Acton Academy learners are encouraged to keep pushing forward, even when the going gets tough. This perseverance ultimately leads to personal growth and success.

Both bison and cows offer valuable lessons in learning from experience. While cows may struggle to adapt to the storms they face, bison demonstrate that taking a proactive approach can lead to better outcomes. Acton Academy learners are encouraged to reflect on their experiences, learn from their mistakes, and apply these lessons to future challenges.

The story of Colorado's bison and cows provides a powerful metaphor for facing life's challenges and embracing adversity. At Acton Academy, learners are encouraged to adopt the mindset of the bison, charging head-first into challenges and growing from their experiences. By cultivating resilience, perseverance, and a growth mindset, Acton Academy learners are well-prepared to navigate the storms of life and become skilled navigators of their own educational journeys.

Be the Bison.


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