CityBiz Interviews Tyson Junkers, Founder of Acton Academy Palm Beach


From CityBiz:

Tyson Junkers comes from a long line of entrepreneurs! His family founded HyTorc industrial bolting systems 50 years ago in New Jersey and it has grown to a global enterprise with more than 600 employees. That’s where Tyson caught the entrepreneurial bug! After graduating with degrees in Film and Digital Art & Design, he began his journey launching his own design firm which led him to manage a multitude of websites for businesses across the globe with a specialization in 3D animation. He eventually landed at the family business for 17 years where he led brand strategy for HyTorc.

It was during the pandemic Tyson & his wife decided to leave New Jersey and head to Florida with their 2 children. When they could not find an elementary school for their kids that they loved, he leaned into his entrepreneurial spirit and decided to open his own school in Palm Beach County.

Acton Academy Palm Beach just launched in January and is a microschool that turns learning upside down. The school offers an innovative approach to education that celebrates personal responsibility, creative freedom, and the pursuit of one’s life’s purpose. There are nearly 300 Acton Academies worldwide, including locations in 27 countries. This innovative approach and hands-on learning environment at Acton Academy truly differentiate the school and its approach to educating the future generation.

Joy is an entrepreneur, podcast host, 15x Ironman, online influencer, wellness advocate, and mom of five. She’s on a mission to help others find balance in their lives, and live life with purpose. Joy completed her first Ironman 3 years ago when she was 44 years old. Joy is a proponent of growth mindset and a believer in the importance of making time for yourself. Her mantra is: We’ve got one life, and you’ve only got one you, so now is the time!

Joy’s passion is to help healthcare practices thrive, not just survive. Her career started 23 yrs ago working for NBC television. It was this first job, that introduced her to a wide variety of industries. It also grew her love for video communication. She quickly was drawn to the healthcare industry and saw its need for growth in marketing. Along the way the social media world quickly became a key part of communication. Joy not only understands social media, but leads in this field. She is a LinkedIn Influencer that has built a community of over 250,000 followers and reaches 2 million viewers per month. She has spent the last 12 yrs teaching medical practices how to grow their practice through relationship building in the medical community and social media content.

Joy is a firm believer that movement changes the mind and unlocks your full potential.


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