How to Stop Schools From Killing Your Children’s Love of Learning

We all want our children to have the best education possible. The problem is that conventional schools aren't always equipped to foster children's spirit, creativity, and passion for learning, making many families feel like they are losing their children to the public education system. All too often, children come home with a sense of dread and exhaustion after a long day at school, but it doesn't have to be this way.

Here are seven tips to help you stop conventional schools from killing your children's love of learning:

1. Get Involved: One of the best ways to ensure your child receives the best education possible is to get involved at the school level. Attend parent-teacher conferences, become a member of the parent-teacher association, or volunteer in the classroom. When you're involved, you can observe how your child is doing and what's happening in the school.

2. Encourage Learning Outside of the Classroom: School should be just one part of your child's education. Encourage them to explore their interests and take part in outside activities. Whether exploring a new hobby, joining a club, or taking trips to the library or museum, these activities can be educational and fun.

3. Find a Balance Between Learning and Play: School can often be seen as a chore, and it's important to remember that play is just as important. Give your child plenty of free time to explore their interests, relax, and just have fun.

4. Make Learning Fun: Make learning fun by incorporating games and activities into your child's studies. Whether playing educational board games or making up a game with flashcards, making learning fun can help your child become more engaged and enthusiastic about their studies.

5. Talk to Your Child: Be sure to talk to your child about their day at school. Ask questions to better understand what they're learning and how they're feeling about it. This can help you identify any potential problems and provide support where needed.

6. Set Realistic Expectations: While it's essential to challenge your child, it's also important to make sure that you're not setting unrealistic expectations. If your child is struggling in a certain area, it's important to take a step back and reassess the situation.

7. Celebrate Successes: Celebrate your child's successes, no matter how small. This will help them to stay motivated and to continue to strive for success.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your child doesn't lose their love of learning. With the right support, your child can still have an enjoyable and successful school experience.

Two Bonus Tips:

8. Download our FREE pdf: Our FREE pdf contains 10 questions to ask to ensure your child's school is in line with your family values. By choosing a school that aligns with your core values, you can be sure your child receives an education consistent with your beliefs. This will help them grow and develop in an atmosphere conducive to learning and understanding the world around them.

9. Find a different school: No matter how much you try, not every school will foster your child's love of learning. At that point, you're better off finding a school more aligned with your family values. From microschools like ours to homeschooling pods, more options are available today than ever.


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